This is a genuine question. List at least 3 fnf mod (or base game) characters you are confident you can beat the shit out of in a bare knuckles brawl to the death. There is no arena. There are no walls. Just a flat plain. Go.
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imma say people that would beat the shit outta me
1: matt
2: herobrine
3: The corruption
spirit (base) - bruh... he has no arms or hands... HE'S JUST A CLOUD OF PINK MIST WITH A RICKROLL FACE!
Mall Santa (base) - even though there's a theory that he might be Monster, I'm doing it.
Trolled Tails (mod) - That face... *laughs*
But... ya know who i WOULDN'T want to go against? Legacy Annie after she drinks *The Liquid*.
this was a bit difficult but,
1: Skid & Pump (Base), REASON: They're little baby children, I could send them into orbit if someone gave me 3 dollars and a thing of ice cream.
2: Senpai & Spirit (Base), REASON: twink, also FACE.
3: Garcello (Mod), REASON: His lungs are fucked, meaning he'd have a harder time staying up if I keep targetting his neck and chest. (However, I WOULD be crying throughout this encounter, hesitation would fuck me up a little) BONUS: Mall Santa (Base), REASON: Loser can't even take a bullet to the head, he won't be able to handle my mean-ass.
EDIT: the post said AT LEAST, so I'm adding more, also all of my responses would imply the win condition is "they can't even get up anymore, OR, they give up." 4: Daddy Dearest (Base), REASON: The dude can't even stop some 4-7 foot 19-year-old from dating his daughter on his own, bro would NOT win in a fight against me. (he'd put up a great fight though, it'd be awesome.) 5: Boyfriend (Base), REASON: Speaking of which, I might kill him, just straight up, BF sends me into intense violent outbursts whenever I look at him for long periods of time, so I would just straight up kill the guy. (I am fully aware he is capable of fighting, however, he would catch an L worst than a break-up)
Sonic EXE: i can fight a joke
Red (Vs Imposter: a fucking bean aint got shit on me
Suicide Mouse: so he might have a needle, doesnt beat fists
I'm pretty sure everybody is underestimating Skid and
none im weak as fuck cant even beat two children
I would happily beat Skid and Pump to death
Skid n' Pump, easy choice
Kapi. I'm sure he could punch, but so can I.
Soft!BF. If you paid me like 5 dollars I'd do it.
ok so number 1: skid and pump they cant fight for shit number 2: boyfriend fnf i can kick that kids balls and he will fucking die number 3: mall santa and his sweaty ass